We are sorry but, due to abuse by some parties, this site has been temporarily disabled.


Intelligent analyser of software user stories for QA and size estimation.
A tool for product owners and business analysts.

Valid User story required 3 - 50 words, written in English.

This will take a few seconds.
Please be patient, it'll be worth the wait!


  • Identifies functional intent
  • Estimates functional size
  • Tests for 350+ defect types
  • Determines a quality score
  • Reduces ambiguities
  • Helps with story splitting
  • Reduces time spent estimating
  • Expert feedback on your stories
  • Extreme shift-left testing
  • Reduces rework


As a visitor I can add a cart_item

As a registered_user first validate my permissions then I can update my profile


  1. Include a user e.g. Visitor, administrator, registered_customer
  2. Use verbs that infer data movement e.g. validate, save, read, import
  3. Avoid technical terms e.g. javascript,
  4. Focus on the who and what, not the how
  5. Exclude the "so that" statement
  6. Use underscores on compound nouns


Use verbs that are unambiguous in describing movement of data, such as save, store, read, validate, , verify, send, publish, display, modify, update, delete.

About StoryTest

*StoryTest is a free service provided by ScopeMaster®. Inspired by jsonlint.com, our goal is to provide a useful tool for product owners and business analysts that helps improve software user story quality. This is a cut-down version of the full analysis, QA and test generation capabilities available with ScopeMaster®. Abuse of this tool will lead to it being withdrawn from public use. First available January 2021.

About Sizing

Learn more about functional sizing from https://cosmic-sizing.org

Want more?

For a comprehensive user story analysis, request a demo of ScopeMaster® or if you are a Jira cloud user, try Story Analyser for Jira


Please send your suggestions and questions to [email protected]


Does it handle other languages?

Not at the moment, other languages are will be coming soon

What are the tests doing?

The analysis engine examines every word then performs many additional linguistic analysis steps to help you provide insight into your user stories. It can also cross reference stories in a set, to help perform further insight into consistency, duplication and omissions (available only with ScopeMaster).

Version: 0.07 Beta
